Training Helps provides a range of learning support, academic and non-academic, and resources to help learners achieve competency through the course.
Training Helps conducts pre-training review interviews, Language, literacy and Numeracy (LLN) test and induction sessions with all learners. This process enables Training Helps to identify any specific and/or additional needs that Learners may have which may impact their learning and/or ability to study with us. A Training Plan is drawn up in consultation with the learner at the time of enrolment or prior to the commencement of the course, which will also take into consideration any learning needs or LLN support learners.
personal issues, such as stress, work load, health, family and relationship issues, can all affect Learners ability to focus in their study. Learners experiencing difficulties with any aspect of your training or personal difficulties can seek assistance by talking to their trainers/assessors or sending an email to Training Helps will listen to their concerns and provide appropriate support including making referral to External counselling professional or service providers. Learner support and referral by Training Helps is provided free of cost, however external parties may charge a fee for their service. Training Helps also encourage Learners to contact relevant support organisations for assistance.
Learners support and referral provided to learner include:
- Language, literacy and numeracy (LL&N) programs
- Flexible delivery of training and assessment
- Learning resource centres
- Information technology & digital support
- Learning materials especially formatted e.g. large print
- Learning and assessment programs customised to the workplace
- Adjustment to training plan and/or due date extension
- Equipment, resources and / or programs to aid access for Learners with disabilities
- Mediation services
- Counselling services
- Newsletters
Useful Support Services
The following support services are free. They are able to provide Learners with referrals to help deal with the issues they are facing.
Abortion & Grief Counselling | 1300 363 550 |
Aidsline | 1800 133 392 |
Alcohol & Drug Information | 1300 368 186 |
Child Protection | 1800 688 009 |
Children’s Help Line | 1800 55 1800 |
Coroner’s Office | 1300 309 519 |
Crisis Accommodation Information (Homelessness Help Services): | 1800 627 727 |
Crisis Pregnancy | 1800 650 840 |
Drug And Alcohol Service | 1800 888 236 |
Domestic Violence 24X7 | 1800 811 |
Emergency Animal Disease | 1800 675 888 |
Funeral Advice | 1300 888 188 |
Gamblers Anonymous | 1800 002 210 |
Griefline (Telephone Counselling Service) | 1300 845 745 |
Lifeline 24 Hours | 131 114 |
Mensline Australia | 1300 78 99 78 |
National Translating And Interpreting Service | 131 450 |
Poisons Information Centre | 131 126 |
Qlife LGBTI Community Services | 1800 184 527 |
Quit Line | 131 848 |
Rape Crisis | 1800 424 017 |
Sexual Health | 1800 451 624 |
Suicide Helpline | 13 11 14 |
The Gambling Help Line | 1800 858 858 |
Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis | 1800 015 188 or (03) 9322 3555 |
Youth Emergency Services | 1800 641 792 |
Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assistance
Most of our courses require you to be able to write legibly and do some numerical calculations. Our course information, learning and assessment materials are generally in written form.
We aim to help you to have the skills required to understand the presented materials and complete the required assessments, as required by the training package.
We understand that Learners have different interest in and ability with reading, writing and performing calculations. If we notice or you indicate that you require learning techniques, resources and assessment strategies tailored to suit your individual learning requirements we will either supply or refer you to the appropriate support.
We will endeavour to provide assistance with language, literacy or numeracy. In the event that your needs exceed our ability, we may refer you to an external support agency so you have the opportunity to obtain the skills required to complete the training program.
Training Progression
Courses offered at Training Helps are for self-paced learning. This means, learner is able to control the amount of learning information they consume as well as the duration of time they need and/or allocate learning activities.
Generally, Learners have 12 months to complete their Certificate IV courses and 24 months to complete their learners Diploma or Advanced Diploma courses. Accredited short courses must be completed within a three-month period.
A Training Plan setting out the course duration will be developed in consultation with the learner at the time of enrolment or prior to the commencement of the course. The Training Plan will also indicate a proposed end date for completing requirements of each the units of competency, along with assessment submission dates. The Training Plan will also take into consideration any learning needs or LLN support learners may have which were identified through Pre-Training Review.
If Learners required additional time to submit assessments or complete any unit of competency, Learners must contact their assessor at least a week in advance to seek an extension. The Assessors or a designated staff may follow up with the learner either by phone or email to discuss their reasons for extension, any support required and to agree on new schedule. If granted, the Training Plan will be adjusted accordingly.
If Learners required additional time to complete the course beyond the agreed course duration, Learners must seek an extension to the course end date in writing at least six weeks prior to the proposed end date. Learners must demonstrate special circumstances and provide the supporting evidence for seeking an extension. The Assessors or a designated staff may follow up with the learner either by phone or email to discuss their reasons for extension, any support required and to agree on new schedule.
There will be no extensions are available for online short courses.
While Training Helps will provide all necessary support for Learners to successfully complete the course, it is the responsibility of Learners to ensure that they are actively engaging and meeting the course requirements and respective due dates and thus progressing through their training as per the agreed training plan. It is also the responsibility of the learner to contact Training Helps to request for any extension.
To ensure that Learners are progressing with their course, Training Helps will email monthly reminders to learners with information about seeking learners support if necessary.
If learners are inactive and not participating and completing the course requirements online (including submitting assessments) and they have come to the course end date period as per the training plan, an Intent to Withdraw Inactive Enrolment letter will be emailed and mailed to the learner’s last known email and postal address provided to by the learner. If the Learner do not respond to the letter or contact Training Helps within a nominated timeframe they will be withdrawn from the course. There will be No refund of course fees.
If you have a problem reaching your agreed timeframes for completion of your program of study, you must let your coach or facilitator know. CAL staff will always respond to learners under duress who have unexpected or unplanned activities cutting into study time. We understand that, from time to time, job demands, and family responsibilities also get in the way. You just need to let us know.
Learners who are withdrawn from a program will be provided with a statement of attainment for the units they’ve satisfactorily completed in the course.
This Handbook as well as our website and other information available on it provide you with information about us, what you need to do, your training and assessment with us and the qualifications we will issue on successful completion.